About the Foundation

The Little Green Book Foundation is dedicated to supporting organizations and programs that bring improved healthcare, education and quality of life to individuals and their families. 

Bob and Patty Duncan started Little Green Book in 2012 as a way of honoring Bob’s mother, Marilyn, who passed away from cancer in 2001.

The Little Green Book Foundation is involved with a range of organizations but has a particular emphasis in the support of cancer research studies and initiatives that we believe will bring better care and positive outcomes for families around the world.

One of the primary areas of focus for the foundation has been in support of MD Anderson Cancer Center. Marilyn, along with many other friends and family members, had received treatment there and both Bob and Patty have become long-time supporters of the world-class care and research the organization provides.

In addition to its support of MD Anderson, the Little Green Book Foundation continues to look for other programs and organizations that are doing their part to improve healthcare, education and quality of life around the world.

My Mother’s Green Notebook

Why Little Green Book

The Little Green Book Foundation gets its name from the loving concern of a mother for her son. As he was heading to college, Marilyn presented Bob with a little green notebook that she had prepared for him.

In this tiny spiral notebook was a meticulous guide and practical everyday advice that would help prepare Bob for his college journey. Marilyn, for instance, went into great detail to cross-reference clothing items with recommended matches and combinations, ensuring Bob would always look his best.

This particular little green book was emblematic of the many “green books” that Marilyn gave her son over the years. Although most weren’t actual notebooks, she always provided motherly counsel and advice to prepare him for all of life’s journeys.

Contact us

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us via email at info@littlegreenbookfoundation.org